“From Lord Huron to Johnny Cash, artists new and old alike have dipped their toes into the venerable, earthen power of swamp stomp music throughout the years. Few, however, breath this grungy, harrowing spin on the popular folk-rock as profoundly—or as well as—BEAU + LUCI.
What listeners are privy to with the Live From: Aggie Theatre EP are six tracks from a killer Fort Collins night. The band kicks in with a stellar rock’n’roll attitude from the get-go with the crunching opening riffs of ‘Rattle the Bones’, and they never lose their sense of captivating style from there. With an album as delectable as this, it’s only a shame that there wasn’t more to it—a band this darn good is more than deserving of a full-length live album.”
“Live from Aggie Theatre presents Beau + Luci’s talents in the best possible light and, despite its relatively brief duration, packs all the weight and gravitas you’d expect from a full length offering of any type. The six song collection blends folk, blues, rock, and deep soul as a unique mix on the modern music scene and the visceral power of this release suggests Beau + Luci’s artistic vision for their music is fully realized and, tantalizingly, hasn’t peaked yet.”
— NeuFutur Magazine
“Shallow observers might cop a glance at their promotional materials and expect them to be angelic voiced, arch sensitive folkies writing acoustic songs about thwarted love or pastoral nods to folk music tradition, but such observations veer wildly off their mark. Instead, Beau + Luci’s performance with band The Howling Tongues turns Live at Aggie Theatre into a glorious example of a relatively rare phenomenon – a singing duo with a talent for seamless harmonies playing their talents off against often bruising blues rock accompaniment.”
““What’s great about this album is that rather than make you feel as if you’ve already now caught a live show from the band, it makes you desperate to actually get in there and witness it all in real time – the atmosphere, the crowd, the energy. The contrast between the full, thick audio moments and those that are distinctly spacious creates a classic, even vintage blues-rock feel that captures your affection one last time before things come to a huge finish. The pace is up, the emotion is genuine, the guitar work is superb – stylish and skillful. A great way to go out and a comforting moment of realization that this project as an EP is incredibly easy – necessary even – to revisit again and again.””
— Stereo Stickman
“Not only are these two sisters in possession of two of the most bewitching voices in recent memory, the rich legacy of American music courses through every note they sing. Their new EP Live From Aggie Theatre is a stirring six-song set that’s drenched in swampland voodoo, deep mountain folklore, traditional country, jazz and the blues.
In other words, they know it all and they can sing it all.And that’s exactly what they do.”